Thursday, December 5, 2013

How Oil Men Think

How Oil Men Think
I thought of a reasonable explanation for why oil tycoons seem to have been behind the massive fraud committed with my erased posts from 2006 and 2007. Oil is a nonrenewable resource. Once they burn it all up, there will be no more for your children and grandchildren. Stolen works of music and comedy are also nonrenewable in the hands of frauds. Once they run out, the frauds who profit from them are incapable of producing more and must instead wait helplessly for their victim to share new work on the internet. George W Bush is an oil man, isn't he? And wasn't Halliburton Dick Cheney's company?

Do you know what Halliburton is? It is a company that produces drilling technology. In other words, we have used up the reachable supply of oil and now must dig deeper. And if we must dig deeper for oil, I guess we're still dependent on it. Maybe the cars of the future will run on molten lava.
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