Friday, December 6, 2013

Did I Hear That Right?

Did I Hear That Right?
(Next blog: Back in Your Face.)

Some time ago I was watching a news clip and the announcer was talking about the big three U.S. networks. He listed them with their principle affiliates alongside each: CBS/Viacom, ABC/Disney, and NBC/Google. Go ahead and look it up. That's what he said. Is it true?
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Big Secret

The Big Secret
People who still want to pretend that I'm not famous should be killed. Back in 2007 it was people like this who led me to think that no one would miss my work if I erased it all from the web. It has since been proven that a large group of TV and music stars were envious of me at that time. Why would they envy me if I wasn't popular? As if I'm going to give up and let them have all my songs and scripts now! There's only one thing dirtier than what the broadcasting media did to me in 2007 by supporting all those frauds who stole my songs and laughs: what they are doing to me at this moment by ignoring me so that people think I'm not famous, hoping I'll erase my accounts from frustration again so they can finish me off.

Do they think I'm being arrogant? How blind do they think I am? This has been going on for years. It's fucking unbearable sometimes. Everyone knows my face, damn it. And they're not going to forget me any time soon. Yesterday some stalker waited for me to pass him on my way home so he could whisper a putdown about how I'm 'too egghead'. (Better than being an 'idiot', at least.) Why would he go through so much effort to discourage me if I'm making no impact? Fuck this is ridiculous. I can hardly wait until the rest of the world agrees with me.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

How Oil Men Think

How Oil Men Think
I thought of a reasonable explanation for why oil tycoons seem to have been behind the massive fraud committed with my erased posts from 2006 and 2007. Oil is a nonrenewable resource. Once they burn it all up, there will be no more for your children and grandchildren. Stolen works of music and comedy are also nonrenewable in the hands of frauds. Once they run out, the frauds who profit from them are incapable of producing more and must instead wait helplessly for their victim to share new work on the internet. George W Bush is an oil man, isn't he? And wasn't Halliburton Dick Cheney's company?

Do you know what Halliburton is? It is a company that produces drilling technology. In other words, we have used up the reachable supply of oil and now must dig deeper. And if we must dig deeper for oil, I guess we're still dependent on it. Maybe the cars of the future will run on molten lava.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Business Hates Artists

The Business Hates Artists
Yes, it's Christmastime again. I've been quietly finger picking some Christmas carols on the guitar in my room and may post them if I have time. Years and years have gone by since those stars jumped on my erased posts and turned them into lies. My truth, for which I have sacrificed a great deal of comfort over the years, makes the best lies for lying networks like NBC and FOX. They lie so much that they are always on the lookout for good, honest material to keep them looking honest as they lie to you. In fact, we should change the name of show business to the lying business. It's more truthful sounding.

I'm not sure why it's taking so long for me to get ahead when the ones who took my work were overnight sensations with it - like that band who stole Virtue and were playing it on TV only a week or so after I shared it. (How have the last six years been for them? That was a great break Jay Leno gave them by inviting them onto the Tonight Show, eh? Why do you think he wanted them to play my song on his show?) It seems horribly unjust. And all this information coming in about people stealing from me and lying about me is extremely depressing. You must now see the contempt that this industry has for artists. Here I am the author of work they already profited enormously from and I continue to suffer.

It's too bad we can't set up a little better conditions for artists. The instant success offered to all these fucking despicable liars who stole my work makes a stark contrast with the stubborn resistance put up against me for seven miserable years - and counting. It tells me that the business hates artists and loves criminals. It tells me that a real artist with real opinions might as well jump off a bridge at the age of ten, rather than face the decades of solitary confinement to be imposed on him for having a free thinking brain. I hope that one day music will be administered in some more reliable way, perhaps by letting artists take care of their own, as Apple tried to do. I know that Apple failed, but I think we can learn from the mistakes and try again. It's a worthwhile goal, taking the fate of artists away from uncultured, overly emotional businessmen and into the safe hands of other artists. If I ever get rich I hope I'll have enough money to start my own label.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Staying In Touch

Staying In Touch
With Christmas around the corner again I can't help but reflect on what this 'season of giving' has been like for me in the last six years or so. Abysmal. No parties. No fancy dinners. And then I reflect on what Christmas has been like for all those great performers who stole my songs and laughs. How was the Nasco party in 2007? How was it in 2008? Better? I bet it was. How was it in 2009? Lots of people? Lots to eat and drink? Lots of fun? But they invited me to join them in 2009. I'm glad I didn't go.

I still find it hard to control my outrage when I think of how these people strutted around with another person's life-work and accepted all the love and praise for it and never gave a single thought to the harm they caused their victim. That's the kind of worthless human being that crooked TV networks and radio stations turn out with their mindless mantra: all that matters is looking good. People lie to each other about themselves every damn waking minute because they're happier with their lies than they are with reality. Those fools who took my work could never know the sense of pride I feel for being its true author. And even though the business showered them with riches and glory for committing this fraud, the reality of their creative failure still haunted them. They knew they couldn't enjoy their success with my music as well as its true author could.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What I Meant

What I Meant
I can't find the earlier post where I said concerts were silly but I should say that it would give me pleasure to be able to play my songs in front of all the ones who listen to them on the internet. It's just that the business has blocked my way by making stars out of jerks who stole my work and told you to hate me. I can't take a chance that I will get fair treatment from the workers either if I play a show, not with things as they are now. So as long as I'm being prevented from going out and playing my songs after frauds were worshiped for playing them, I don't want the business to think it upsets me too much and try to think of the performance side of my work as ultimately trivial.   
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Life Goes On

Life Goes On
Today's my last public post for a while as I throw myself into offline activities. I wanted to leave my loyal supporters on a positive footing. I know they count on me to help them get through the day and I don't want to let them down. They know I believe in God and that makes them feel more secure about trusting me. And they know that God has revealed His special plan for us to me and I just wanted to share that glorious vision with them now.

God loves us very much and He doesn't want us to suffer. So it will be quick. When that Moon slips out of orbit and plunges to the Earth we won't know what hit us. Don't be sad. These kind of things have to happen every eon or so. Last time it was the flood. That wiped out my people, the Atlantians. But it's all like it says in the Bible, we had it coming, believe me. And it won't kill all life. Just mammals. Life will go on. Something to smile about.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.