Saturday, November 16, 2013

Life Goes On

Life Goes On
Today's my last public post for a while as I throw myself into offline activities. I wanted to leave my loyal supporters on a positive footing. I know they count on me to help them get through the day and I don't want to let them down. They know I believe in God and that makes them feel more secure about trusting me. And they know that God has revealed His special plan for us to me and I just wanted to share that glorious vision with them now.

God loves us very much and He doesn't want us to suffer. So it will be quick. When that Moon slips out of orbit and plunges to the Earth we won't know what hit us. Don't be sad. These kind of things have to happen every eon or so. Last time it was the flood. That wiped out my people, the Atlantians. But it's all like it says in the Bible, we had it coming, believe me. And it won't kill all life. Just mammals. Life will go on. Something to smile about.
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© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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