Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I'm North American

I'm North American
I need now to discuss what I see as an active threat from large US broadcasting companies to smear Canada's image around the world. American people need not take offense from my words. I like American people and I think that many of them agree with my ideas. My focus is entirely on large American broadcasting corporations like NBC and FOX, and I see the American (and Canadian) people as victims of these monstrous corporations.

CBC, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, is low on creative content. This does not reflect the talent of the Canadian population but the drain of creative Canadian minds to the big money and vast career horizons of our neighbour to the south. Many Americans do not even know that some of their finest entertainers are of Canadian origin. In fact some of these artists and performers feel pressure to keep their Canadian identity a secret.

Matt Groening moved to Los Angeles to make it big and had a hit with his Simpsons cartoon on FOX. This should have made Canadians proud, but I saw something in one of those Simpsons episodes to indicate otherwise. It was when Homer Simpson said that 'Canada doesn't have a girlfriend', a most insulting statement, and I'm quite sure that it does not reflect the attitude of the American majority. To top it off, I wouldn't be surprised if parts of that episode depended on the erased posts of another Canadian artist, yours truly. And does anyone remember the irreverence with which Paul Martin, Canada's former prime minister, was treated by an NBC reporter when he was being interviewed over the matter of Canada's participation in George Bush's and Dick Cheney's war against Iraq and Afghanistan? They made Martin look more like an errant office temp than a head of state.

Then there is the matter of Canadian content on Canadian radio stations. It seems to conform to the false image of Canada as a 'wimp country', projected by networks like NBC and FOX, by being restricted to wimpy sounding music. There may well be U.S. broadcasting dollars behind this unflattering policy. Then I come along and write good, masculine sounding rock and I end up being panned by these Canadian radio stations after much of my music has already proven itself successful in the hands of frauds. At the same time as they call Canadians wimps, they try to make Canadians reject any Canadian artist whose life and work defies their insulting stereotype.

Why do American broadcasters need to hurt Canada like this? I'm not sure. It may be that they dislike the idea of a sovereign state so close to the borders of their almighty corporate empires. They want to be in full control of the continent and that 'pesky' political boundary interferes with their designs. For instance, as a Canadian I am able to secure a reasonable income even though I am unemployed. This has been helpful in speeding up my work on the internet as I expose the ugly fraud of these large U.S. broadcasting corporations. In the absence of a Canada and her superior social programs I might be dead by now and they wouldn't have to worry about me. As it is, their only recourse is to get as many people around the world to dismiss Canada as a joke country whose citizens ought not to be taken seriously.

Something for Canadians and Americans to ponder this evening as I finalize my blog for its permanent location on Google. In the end we're all just people and the only foreign threat appears to come from irresponsible corporations in our very midst.
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© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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