Sunday, November 3, 2013

Happy What's Left of My Birthday

Happy What's Left of My Birthday
Looks like I made it to my forty-eighth birthday. Thanks everyone who sent me birthday greetings. Don't forget to wish Roger a happy birthday because it's his birthday, too. Roger has two birthdays. Don't believe me? Ask my brother Bernard. You can trust Bernard. Don't believe me? Just ask NBC. They'll tell you that you can trust Roger and Bernard.

Did someone say NBC? Why do I have that network on my mind so much? Do you think it's because so much of their content came from my mind? That may be part of it. I heard someone mention the word 'gentleman' as I passed by him yesterday. I got the impression that some people are excusing NBC's crime because of the polite and pleasant manner in which they committed their fraud - pleasant to you, at least. To me they are scum. I don't care how polite they are. It is behaviour which defines a person and not superficial appearances. All these mealy-mouthed liars belong in a prison cell. And their polite faces should never again be allowed onto the public airwaves. Actually the very worst lies are the politely spoken ones for they are the most readily believed lies. That makes polite liars the lowest of liars. Instead of excusing them for lying in a polite tone, you should be burning them at the stake.

NBC is such a criminal. I can't believe it's still on the air. They must have committed over a thousand counts of fraud with my scripts. They must have made a fortune off my erased blogs. And it's my birthday today and I just spent my last nine dollars on a pack of smokes. It will be weeks before I have money again. And on top of that they tried to make me share my birthday with my brother. And they ruined my Canada Day. And their sister corporation CBC tried to put that blog stealing jerk back on a stage this summer. It's too bad all anyone looks at is their superficial appearance because underneath that flimsy covering lurks a hideous beast from Hell. It's too bad no one can see their true colours but their victim.
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© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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