Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What I Meant

What I Meant
I can't find the earlier post where I said concerts were silly but I should say that it would give me pleasure to be able to play my songs in front of all the ones who listen to them on the internet. It's just that the business has blocked my way by making stars out of jerks who stole my work and told you to hate me. I can't take a chance that I will get fair treatment from the workers either if I play a show, not with things as they are now. So as long as I'm being prevented from going out and playing my songs after frauds were worshiped for playing them, I don't want the business to think it upsets me too much and try to think of the performance side of my work as ultimately trivial.   
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© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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