Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Blame Dateline

Blame Dateline
I tried to give my lawyers all the details of why I evacuated the internet in 2007, but back in February I still hadn't rewritten Virtue and recovered my memories of the first time I wrote and shared that song, so some details of my account were either missing or distorted from lack of context. One detail in particular, a certain panic attack which I suffered for no apparent reason while alone in my apartment in late October of that year, I reported to them as possibly my intuition telling me what my destiny had in store for me in my future of that time. However, my reconstruction of more sketches and songs from October 2007 has restored more of my memory of my situation at that time, and my experiences since then have helped me to identify these strange sensations of panic as being connected with Dateline NBC trials. So I now think that Dateline NBC may have had me on trial way back in October 2007, probably over my blogs, and that the experience was so uncomfortable that it became the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back in terms of my endurance of the conditions of fame. Doesn't it strike you as illegal for them to use me on their show without asking me or even informing me?   
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