Sunday, September 29, 2013

Elementary Depression

Elementary Depression
To date I've not authorized my work or my image to be used anywhere outside my one YouTube account or my one Google account. I have not authorized my work or image to be peddled by relatives. To date I've received no compensation for works of mine which were used commercially. And I've also never been arrested or incarcerated.

Do you think that after the radio stations and networks told us all to celebrate those frauds for stealing my work that they will now tell you to celebrate me even more for being its author? But what seems to be going on instead is a deliberate effort to discourage my popularity. This has slowed down my musical progress. I've been reading through my early blogs and seeing how much more enthusiastic I was about playing my music before I found out what the radio stations and networks did to it. Losing interest in one's activities, such as practicing music, is a classic sign of depression.
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© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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