Monday, September 23, 2013

Why They Don't Know Me

Why They Don't Know Me
One of the reasons why the people from my life of twenty or thirty years ago don't know me or had doubts about my copyrights is because of my very unique approach to intellectual competition. The popular approach, which couldn't be clearer in the light of what happened to my hundreds of blog entries and scores of songs, is to steal the work of an intellectual superior and try to pass it off as one's own. I don't do that. I am as irked by envy as any other when confronted by someone of superior talent or intellect, but rather than getting even by cutting him down, I struggle to rise to his level. I did not start writing seriously until well after I left my band behind in Toronto, so the people from that time had no idea I was capable of this kind of material; I only wrote songs. I didn't play very much guitar in Toronto but I've had the last eighteen years to familiarize myself with the instrument. I've changed a lot in the last two decades as a Vancouver hermit. I can't stand having nothing to do and I've filled that gap in my spotty employment history with volumes of original short stories, poetry, plays, songs, and sketches. I have honed my skills as a writer from years of effort: something that a countless cast of TV performers apparently wanted to avoid at all costs.   
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© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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