Monday, September 23, 2013

How Delightful

How Delightful
So did everyone hear about the Dateline reporters? I heard that they pleaded guilty to an extremely dirty offense. Did the corporate media mention it? No? That's big news, isn't it?

Speaking of the media, how is CBC? You know, I now wonder about that 'delightful farce' they were pushing from a 'local playwright' back in 1999 or 2000, right after I shared my first attempt at writing a play with my acting teacher from continuing ed. Was it a delightful farce about a man who is forced to move into an apartment with his ex-girlfriend and her girlfriend? Did they promote any delightful farces about a man depending on a Mission for food? It wouldn't surprise me. And the most delightful entertainer on CBC was the creep who turned my blog entries into his goofy stand-up routine for three years - not including this past summer.

Evidently CBC and the local media are morally flawed. Too bad everyone insists on trusting them only to end up looking foolish. I know everyone loves to go with the flow in the present, but I assure you that many of the faces you admire now will cause you revulsion and disgust in the years to come. And most or all of them will disappear from your dial - especially the ones who want to contradict me with lies in the present.
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