Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Cost of Trust

The Cost of Trust
The reason why the super rich buy TV stations and radio stations is to have our trust. (Yes, I must include myself among the trusting, at least before I discovered what they did to me.) They need to control our behaviour in a way that best suits their profit making schemes. We may think that we can avoid being manipulated by ignoring commercials, but much of our behavioural programming appears to come from news broadcasts. People seldom question news broadcasts. If I was on trial in 2007 and found 'guilty' on a news broadcast, no one bothered to visit my apartment and see that I was free. If they did, they could have asked me if I had received any visits from the police and I could have told them that I had not received any such visits. But if Dateline maligned me back then, no one bothered to check their story. I think I could have been standing in front of a large crowd, telling everyone I was free while they told everyone I was in jail, and the crowd would have believed them over me.

Boy, they sure know how to make us pay for trusting them, don't they? Look what they've done to fans of my music and humour. Here we are with all these laughs and songs and instead of celebrating them we must feel shame over them. They really know how to kill a party, those pricks. Some of my fans are just now realizing that I have been inappropriately treated for six years almost every day for creating some of their favourite works of music and comedy because they trusted networks and radio stations. And I have to somehow get over six years of being the focus of their dirty looks because I trusted networks and radio stations.

And what else happens when we trust them? In the last few years, it sounds like a lot of Americans lost their homes for trusting a show that gave them financial advice. I could think of more examples, but it's too depressing to contemplate.
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© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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