Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Where It Began

Where It Began
I have traced all the fraud that has been committed with my work as far back as 1999 so far. It predates that. I used to draw cartoons. Ask the Georgia Straight because they published a couple of them in the mid-90's without putting my name on them. I wasn't expecting money, but I thought my name would look nice on my work if it were published in the Georgia Straight. Who Ripped Me Off was one of them. Remember? And Who Ripped Me Off had a Jim Jones character I invented for another cartoon from 1993 which was published, again without the use of my name. I'll use the name of the person who published it now: Frances Collins. Frances, why didn't you pay me any money for those cartoons of mine you published in 1993?   
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© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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