Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How to Use My Indexes

How to Use My Indexes
For the last six years I can only imagine that my indexes have been used exclusively by frauds as a shortcut to my most humorous content. It looks like they used up every single sketch I listed in 2007. That adds up to hundreds and hundreds of counts of fraud and years of broadcast lies.

Now that I have restored these indexes to my account, though there is still more data to enter in them, I would like my readers to use them to home in on any fraud which might still be lingering out there on the internet. Just zero in on a song or a sketch from my indexes, copy and paste its text into Google, and if it takes you to any other page but my own, flag the page for fraud and watch it disappear from the web. Prosecute all offenders, including my relatives, if necessary.

Below are the links to my indexes:
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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