Friday, October 4, 2013

Happy Hunting

Happy Hunting
Well, I'm going home early because I'm not going to sit and type words into that fucking dialogue box on top of all the other coding I have been left to do for myself. And let that be a warning to all artists about the internet: when you post your work online it is like turning your heart over to a cold, dispassionate machine. You can see from how this machine has treated me that it may be a broken machine.

People can't imagine why their TV would lie to them about me, but I can do more than imagine why, I can point to solid reasons why TV lies to them about me. Lies, especially lies committed against the heart are the most efficient at dehumanizing us. If you're the kind of person who could love a TV star for stealing a piece of my life and using it to make money by hurting me, you're thinking the way they think. They want you to think like them: the only God is money. I'm not important because I'm not with them. Those frauds were more important because they were with them. And, like John Lennon said, if you can learn how to smile when you kill, you're all ready for the folks on the hill.
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© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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