Thursday, October 10, 2013

I Don't Want to Be Oasis

I Don't Want to Be Oasis
I get a sense of how irresponsibly the corporate media has covered the massive theft of my songs and blogs by conversations such as the one I had with a friend outside the drop-in this morning. We got to talking about my work and he asked me which popular bands stole my erased songs six years ago. Off the top of my head I mentioned Oasis, who stole Fortune. In response he said, Oasis stole from you? He sounded unconvinced so I didn't bother to tell him about the Rolling Stones stealing Nothing but Ashes from me.

So how about it, media? Why hasn't every last person in Vancouver been informed of this crime against me yet after three years of it coming to public light? Why do you leave me to walk the street and look like the crazy one? Don't you think I went through enough at the hands of those bands when they stole my songs? Why do you still want me to suffer now? And why do you hold it against me if I lose my temper about this kind of treatment?

Were you insulted by some of the things I said? How insulted do you think I might be after six years of this brutality with my work? Six years of hideous lies to clear the way for ugly fraud committed with my most personal works! And on top of that I was accused for the second time of not knowing how to use a bathroom last night by someone who isn't even supposed to be living in my building. How would you handle the kind of insults you let them dish out to me? How many years does it take for you to spread the truth about me? Why don't you help me when I'm right? Did you have a hand in the crime? If so, why are you still in front of a camera, influencing the population against me?
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© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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