Wednesday, October 9, 2013


To date I've not authorized my work or my image to be used anywhere outside my one YouTube account or my one Google account. I have not authorized my work or image to be peddled by relatives. To date I've received no compensation for works of mine which were used commercially. I've never been arrested or incarcerated.

You know why most people's lives are more comfortable than mine has been? They go with the flow. But wouldn't art and music be boring if everyone went with the flow? Wouldn't it all sound identical? Wouldn't it leave you feeling unfulfilled, unchanged? When I listen to a song like my Business, I get an experience. You can feel my my anger and my desperation. It's the kind of listening experience that brings intellectual and aesthetic growth. The same may be true of my humour. As long as the reader has the correct context for it, they grow from reading it.

The business doesn't seem to consider any of this. They just look at the numbers. Business did well when I posted it under the title of Psych, so they wanted to turn those views into dollars. Every time they overlook my substance and my motives for cash, they betray me. Any fool could hand them a finished song. It takes an artist to create it. And I'm getting mighty sick of all the money and credit for my work going to a bunch of heartless frauds because once that payment is gone, it is obvious to me after six and a half years of this unbearable life that I won't get it back. And by the time I might get it back, if they haven't committed a thousand more frauds with my songs and laughs in the meantime, I've been so soured on all humanity, I don't even want to sing and play. These crowds lining up to see my enemies rip me off make me want to puke. And they were still doing it just a few short months ago.

Look at me. It's been three and half years since I rewrote a song that apparently earned millions. Am I a millionaire now? No. I may have to wait in a flophouse for the rest of my life before I can see a dime of that money. And in the meantime, as I create new work, fucking Taylor steals that and adds more work for my lawyers. Are we sure this is a democracy we're living in? Seems to me these business people are making us all suffer by stealing from me to make fools out of the population and everyone seems to accept it. You sure it's not a plutocracy? Do you like that line in that song about being a slave to money? I hate it. Makes slavery sound glorious or something, with those strings in the background. If my money were cut off, I would stay just as I am and simply starve to death. Maybe I'd move to the woods and let some animal finish me off. Better than being a slave to money.

And these comedy creeps really have me depressed. They need to interfere with my music because they stole a laugh from me six years ago. Gee, I'm so lucky I'm funny. I'm so lucky I'm talented. Yeah, I'm so lucky I get to have all my stuff stolen from me all the time and I never get to even play it for myself because someone else always says its theirs. It's just so great being talented and funny, now that I'm forty-seven and I can't afford to live anywhere but a notorious flophouse and I don't feel comfortable playing, singing, or even writing my songs any more.

Some free country. You have an artist here who already wrote popular work and he's not free to play it because the establishment needed to steal it all. Yeah, that's some free country we got. Hey, let's go invade some other country so we can show them how free our banks and corporations will make them. We're so free. Yeah. Whoopie.

My only regret is that I did not feel this uncomfortable about writing and sharing my work to start out with. Then all these fraudulent fuckers could have tried their luck with their own lousy work and I might have been happy for five minutes out of the last seven years.
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© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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