Friday, October 4, 2013

What They Said

What They Said
What has TV been saying since Jay Leno invited that ugly fucker onto the Tonight Show to commit fraud with my song about virtue? (First of all, are the American authorities aware that NBC stars are chosen on the basis of their willingness to commit fraud with my work? Maybe they shouldn't be allowed to do that.) Did Jay perform any of my virtuous sketches on that program? I think they compliment my music. Well, the way I've gathered it is that they told you that people worship Tina Fey and that Canada's most trusted television personality is the American, Jon Stewart. He's almost as trusted as Taylor Smith was when she came here to commit fraud with my songs in front of a local crowd on Canada Day. And the singer for the Crystalids is Jesus.

And what have they told you about me? Never mind, I figured it out. Am I really getting the message that these pricks stole my work for you? If they respected you, they wouldn't lie to you so that you end up looking foolish for believing in them. If they respected you, they would have paid me for my work. And if they had any respect for you right now, they'd come clean, admit their crime, and pay up. And one more thing, the way they treat me is how they would treat you if you had my talent. They think of me as one of you. I'm not with them so I'm not important. That's what they really think of all of you. They think their money is more important than you are.
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© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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