Wednesday, October 2, 2013

This Isn't Made Up

This Isn't Made Up
If anyone's wondering why I'm carrying that hammer around, I brought it with me from my place. Someone new has started kicking and punching my door and when that happens a lot you don't feel secure any more unless you're holding on to something hard and heavy.

I don't know if I complained of this already. Oh, I did? Well, I guess we've decided to let me just walk down the streets all night until I'm exhausted enough to sleep through the pounding.

And what are the death threats this time? That's what I deserve, right? I don't go pounding on anybody's door and power tripping with death threats! I mind my own business! This fucking television and radio business invaded my work! And people are so hypnotized by them that they're blaming me because these corporations are too arrogant to admit their mistake and too cheap to pay me. They put these frauds in glamorous music videos and movies and all they have for me is fucking Dateline, as if I did something wrong. And now they're happy to see me carrying a fucking hammer around to feel secure from all the public fucking hate they've stirred up by misusing my work.
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© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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