Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Daily Gasp

The Daily Gasp
Broadcasting live from Antarctica all the way back to the twenty-first century:

The Ministry of Education has announced a spelling change for the word, school. Apparently its silent 'h' is causing too much chonfusion among children and foreigners. So it will now be acceptable to leave out the 'h'. But don't get any ideas about using a 'k' in place of the hard 'c'.

Women, don't get too excited about the volcanic activity we've been seeing lately. Normally wild festivities accompany these eruptions but only when the Earth needs to be repopulated. Our Mount Jingo is simply not that angry at the moment, so please abide by the chastity laws in the meantime. And the Minister says that if you don't want to co-operate, there's a place we can send you.

More at eleven.
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© 2007, 2013. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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