Thursday, October 3, 2013

No Escape

No Escape
To date I've not authorized my work or my image to be used anywhere outside my one YouTube account or my one Google account. I have not authorized my work or image to be peddled by relatives. To date I've received no compensation for works of mine which were used commercially. I've never been arrested or incarcerated.

Well, any readers who followed me in 2007 have now returned with me to October of that year when I railed against the networks in my sketches and struggled to index my songs and scripts. By the end of that month, I erased everything and turned my back on it. I hope it's easy for people to see why I did it now. I haven't had a good time with sharing my songs and my laughs. Too many others grabbed them and used them and made people think I was stealing them. I was much happier before I shared my songs. I must have simply wanted to find that happiness that I used to have before I shared my songs, back when people trusted me because no one on TV told them stories about me.

Turns out that there is no turning back for me because here I am again. And even though it's far more unpleasant for me this time around, I won't be erasing my work this time.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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