Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Is It Safe?

Is It Safe?
So is it safe for me to leave this computer now? It was certainly safe enough for me to share those songs and blogs eh? Just not safe for me to walk around after. You know what would make me feel more comfortable? Money. I think that when the business makes a person as uncomfortable as it has made me, it should pay him a lot of money to make up for it. These people who are kicking on my door every week wouldn't care about me if the business had not given so much attention to their superstars when they had my songs and my blogs. So all this extra pressure I get from these people around here is actually the TV's fault and the radio's fault for making my work famous and then leaving me here to get my door kicked on and have death threats shoved down my throat every week. They put Dean in a limousine so he can ride around with girls and steal my bicycle but they just want me to stay here in a flophouse and have my door kicked in every week because they think it makes me look bad.   
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© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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