Sunday, October 6, 2013


Apparently some stranger was able to break into my web page and type that false publishing information into my description box. I do not bother with this kind of information for two reasons: the date of my post is visible on my video and, from my point of view, the date of its publishing is irrelevant to my ownership of the song. Besides, can't anyone simply copy and paste my songs into old web pages saved from an earlier date if their publishing date is all that matters? Yes, and whenever I post publishing information, it is to inform the public of an earlier publishing date, not a later one. So I must ask people: was someone else prancing around on the stage with my Dignity song? Find those videos where it says 'Published on July --, 2012'. Was someone else claiming possession of those songs? Is he or she locked up now? Can we keep this person locked up until they get over their mental illness?

You know why I don't fit into this business? I'm not dumb enough. For instance, it takes a real mental midget to think that you take a person's respect by taking a song called Respect from him. The same is true of his virtue, his dignity, and his innocent. At times I feel like I am wasting my life by sharing my thoughts with such cretins.

And how long does it take for them to learn something new? Since 2010 I have been saying that I will stay the course and remain online until my copyright dispute is resolved. It's now late 2013 and they still expect me to evacuate the web so they can throw another three-year hate party with their fraud.

This is a business which depends on content. No one would have bothered to buy a Crystalids ticket if they didn't steal eighty of my songs. Why do these dummies want to pass them off as heroes? And it sure is a stupid business which silences the voice of an artist whose work has been filling the television and radio with good content for the last six or seven years.

But even the dumbest of businesses can learn from its mistakes and get smarter. Let's hope it happens with this entertainment business. We have nothing to lose but performers who aren't artists stealing my songs and laughs. And we have all the songs and laughs I have not yet shared to gain: enough to fill every station on TV and the radio for the next hundred years.
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© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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