Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Daily Gasp

The Daily Gasp
Broadcasting from what's left of the world on the southern most land mass, it's the Daily Gasp:

Good evening. The Ministry of Security is issuing a public alert. Citizens are asked to be even more suspicious of strangers than usual. There has been a report of a breach in the outer wall by explorers. They are peaceful, intelligent, and quite healthy and attractive, but you must reject them. They speak of giant, rich land masses in the northern hemisphere, but we know better. Without our protective sphere everyone on this planet would freeze to death.

You are hereby ordered to resist these dangerous foreigners. If approached, don't let them shake your hand or hug you. Get to a phone and call the authorities at once.
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© 2007, 2013. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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