Monday, October 7, 2013

The Neural Neutralizer

The Neural Neutralizer
The original Star Trek series had some scripts which might have come straight out of my personal experience of the last six or seven years. One of them is the show about a mind ray which empties out the brains of its victims. I suspect that the author may have been thinking of television, itself, when he wrote it.

When I speak of television's mind ray, I can tell that people find it humorous. I'm not trying to be funny. And as long as viewers laugh at this kind of criticism, they are all the more vulnerable to exploitation. What's so far fetched about it? What is the source of those pictures and words which animate your television? Aren't they beamed into the device from another location by an invisible ray? Looks like these invisible rays can hold a lot of information. Do you ever wonder if there might be more than just one of them at work when you watch TV?

What if there were a hidden signal of which no viewer was aware? You turn on your TV and you don't consciously see the whole broadcast. Hiding behind the innocuous looking sitcom or talk show is the real message instructing your subconscious to go out and buy Enron or whatever else they need you to do in the moment. Perhaps this message has consisted of a single phrase for the last three years since I decided to stay online with my songs and my scripts: Down with Dave! It would certainly explain how they got the crowd to support their fraud.
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© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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