Saturday, October 5, 2013

It's a Steal

It's a Steal
For people who trust the business with all their hearts it must be difficult to accept my accusations against them. They think the TV cares about them. I don't think such TV fans are stupid. Repetition is another powerful tool used by advertising professionals to push a lie. Perhaps it was Hitler, their intellectual mentor, who said that when you tell a lie, you only need to repeat it over and over to make people believe it, regardless of how absurd it might sound at first. That's how he got a whole country to commit genocide for him. And that's how the television gets you to trust them when you clearly should not.

It's no secret that show business is mixed up with crime. Many readers are aware of this connection. Perhaps some of the most influential people in show business are underworld investors. Let me explain why gangsters find show business so attractive. It's really quite elementary when you think about it. Show business offers a higher return of profit for its product than possibly any other business. A star can write a song for nothing and then sell it for millions. That's as much as they might get for importing drugs from poor countries and selling them here on the street for a fortune - and it's legal! It's that high return which attracts them. They love that high profit margin.
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© 2013. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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